Mens 7th XI
Sat 10 Feb 2024  ·  South East Men's Division 8 Invicta
Folkestone Optimist Hockey Club
Mens 7th XI
Sittingbourne 4
Men's 7s H v Sittingbourne

Men's 7s H v Sittingbourne

Amy Bumstead11 Feb - 19:41
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Andrews on target for men's 7s

The men’s 7s put in another battling performance against Sittingbourne at the weekend. Ops started brightly with pacey youngsters Elliot Wilson and Alfie Brooke teaming up well with Steve Shaw to cause the Sittingbourne defence problems. When Sittingbourne did break out midfield enforcer Stuart Peall and the ever running Simon Baker were on hand to break down their attacks. Ops composed play saw them rewarded when "surprisingly quick" player coach Paul Lardon ghosted into the Sittingbourne D, eliminating 2 of their defenders, before firing the ball into the far corner. Sittingbourne came out in the second half determined to pull something back but the resolute defending of Owen Gosford, Simon Hunnibal and Josh Lowe frustrated their speedy attackers. Sittingbourne’s pressure came to fruition when the won a short corner which snuck in to the corner. They pushed for a winner but an excellently timed interception from Paul Luce took the ball away in the dying seconds. Another performance showing the resoluteness that the team has developed.
Dan Kennedy was also on the pitch and did some running around!

Match details

Match date

Sat 10 Feb 2024



Meet time



Meet in changing room to get sorted, discuss tactics, rub each other down then get out there for warm up


South East Men's Division 8 Invicta

League position

Folkestone Optimist 7
Sittingbourne 4
Team overview
Further reading