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Player Pathway Update 2024

Player Pathway Update 2024

Erin Fuller4 Jun - 17:00
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Do you want the chance to represent Kent?

Do you have the ambition of representing Kent in the 2024/2025 season? Are you currently Year 7-11? Any players who are interested in the chance of being nominated for Kent trials for the 2024/25 season should sign up to attend the upcoming development centres as this is the first step on the route to representing your county. The South Kent Development Centre is held at Three Hills and are training sessions that allow coaches the chance to see which players should be nominated for Kent Trials. Players have the opportunity to represent Kent from U13 to U17. Please follow the link below to sign up for the 2024/25 Development Centre which will be held later in the year.

Players who represented Kent in the 2023/24 season do not need to attend the development centre this year.

If you have any questions, please contact Erin or Janet.

Further reading